The Aim of the Association is:

To enjoy, foster and maintain the RAF Regiment spirit of friendship and comradeship among members

and enable them to keep in touch with each other and to assist them in maintaining close liaison with the RAF Regiment. To provide an opportunity for reunion social functions for serving, retired or former Warrant Officers and SNCOs of the RAF Regiment at least once per year.

Finally to facilitate service by members one to another by introduction and information, for those seeking advice, business contracts and contacts, employment and assistance in any welfare matters.

Air Marshal Sir Graham Edward Stacey, KBE, CB

Patron of The Association of RAF Regiment WOs and SNCOs.

AWO Mac MacDonald


John Lynch

Honorary Secretary

Members Area:

IF you are a Serving, retired or former Warrant Officer or SNCO of the RAF Regiment and the Royal Auxiliary Air Force Regiment (including Ground Gunners prior to 1942). As well as other trade groups and other arms, who are or have been on the posted strengths of RAF Regiment units, whilst holding those ranks.

If you want to become a member then please get in touch. Complete our Application.

We are always keen to ensure that we keep you up to date with the association, so please let us know if any of your details have changed. Update your information.

The RAF Regiment Collect – Almighty God, Lord of heaven and earth, whose son Jesus Christ showed us the path of duty. We beseech thee to bless all who serve in the Royal Air Force Regiment. Help us to do our duty with courage and dedication. Of thy goodness be our strength in times of danger, watch over our loved ones when we are separated, and make us a sure defence to those we serve. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. See the RAF Regiment Association Roll of Honour